チーフ・キュレーター深井晃子、米国にて講演/ Akiko Fukai's lectures in USA
2010.03.09 Update
国際交流基金主催の日本文化紹介事業『JAPAN Nature and Culture for Future』の講演会に、KCIチーフ・キュレーターの深井晃子が日本ファッションを紹介すべく米国にて講演します。
今回は「Power of Japanese Fashion: Tradition and Innovation」と題し、1970~80年代から現在まで、世界のファッション界に衝撃を与え続けている三宅一生、山本耀司、川久保玲(コム・デ・ギャルソン)ら日本人デザイナーの作品を題材に、日本ファッションのエッセンスと美意識の関係について講演します。
タイトル:「Power of Japanese Fashion: Tradition and Innovation」
日時・場所:2010年3月11日18:00~ テキスタイル・ミュージアム(ワシントンD.C.)
2010年3月15日 時間未定 Academy of Art University(サンフランシスコ)
2010年3月17日19:30~ Shumei Hall Community Room(ロサンゼルス)
Akiko Fukai, chief curator of KCI, will give lectures on contemporary Japanese fashion in USA. These lectures are organized by Japan Foundation, which is the first organization that specializes in international cultural exchange in Japan.
The lecture's title is "Power of Japanese Fashion: Tradition and Innovation". She will talk about Japanese fashion designers, Issey Miyake, Yohji Yamamoto and Rei Kawakubo (Comme des Garcons) who have been giving the world of fashion a shock from 1970-80s to the present.
In addition, she will lecture at Los Angeles County Museum of Art on our latest exhibition "Luxury in fashion Reconsidered", which was held at The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto and Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (members only), and will talk about Japanese fashion for a dinner and special lecture hosted by the Ambassador of Japan at his residence (private lecture).
[Public lectures]
Title: "Power of Japanese Fashion: Tradition and Innovation"
Date: March 11, 2010, 18:00pm, at Textile Museum (Washington, DC)
March 15, 2010, (time to be arranged), Academy of Art University (San Francisco)
March 17, 2010, 19:30pm, at Shumei Hall Community Room (Los Angeles)
Enquiry: Japan Foundation http://www.jpf.go.jp/