研究誌『DRESSTUDY』58号 発行のお知らせ/ Information on 「DRESSTUDY」 No.58
2010.10.01 Update
皆川魔鬼子(テキスタイル・デザイナー/株式会社イッセイ ミヤケ取締役企画技術ディレクター)
We published our bi-annual bulletin "DRESSTUDY" No.58.
(Japanese with English summaries)
■Beauty and Taste: Universality and Actuality of Japanese Culture
By Isao KUMAKURA, President, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture
■Muneyoshi Yanagi's Mingei Movement and Japanese Textile
By Rie ISHII, Nihon Mingeikan(Japan Folk Crafts Museum)
■INTERVIEW: Japanese Textile: Tradition, Innovation, and Creation
By Makiko MINAGAWATextile Designer, Managing Director/Design Director, ISSEY MIYAKE INC.
■Matohu, in search of new potential beauty behind the history
By Hiroyuki HORIHATA, Designer, matohu
■Centralizing the Marginal: Japanese Fashion through the history of fashion exhibition (2)
By Makoto Ishizeki, Associate Curator, Kyoto Costume Institute
■Information,Book, New Acquisitions
■Fashion Museums around the World
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