チーフ・キュレーター深井晃子、米国にて講演/ Akiko Fukai's lecture in USA
2011.01.07 Update
KCIチーフ・キュレーター深井晃子が、ロサンゼルス州立美術館(LACMA)主催のシンポジウム『Fashioning a Collection: Vision and Viewpoints』にて基調講演をいたします。
このシンポジウムは、現在LACMAで開催中の『Fashioning Fashion: European Dress in Detail, 1700-1915』展の関連企画で、深井をはじめ、パメラ・ゴルバン氏(パリ衣装テキスタイル美術館(ルーヴル宮)チーフキュレーター)など国際的なパネリストで開催されます。
深井は「Taking Clues from the Collection: How LACMA and KCI Launch an Exhibition」と題した講演を予定しています。
シンポジウム名:Fashioning a Collection: Vision and Viewpoints(The fifth R.L. Shep Triennial Symposium)
講演タイトル:「Taking Clues from the Collection: How LACMA and KCI Launch an Exhibition」
日時・場所:2011年1月15日10:00~ ロサンゼルス州立美術館(LACMA)
Akiko Fukai, Chief Curator of KCI, will give a lecture at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA).
LACMA organize a symposium titled "Fashioning a Collection: Vision and Viewpoints."
Fukai was invited to the symposium as well as Ms. Pamela Golbin, Chief Curator, Musee de la Mode et du Textile, Paris and Fukai is going to speak a lecture "Taking Clues from the Collection: How LACMA and KCI Launch an Exhibition."
Symposium:"Fashioning a Collection: Vision and Viewpoints" (The fifth R.L. Shep Triennial Symposium)
Lecture's Title: "Taking Clues from the Collection: How LACMA and KCI Launch an Exhibition"
Date: January 15, 2011, 10:00 start, Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
LACMA's Homepage is here.
Symposium information is here.