収蔵品紹介37「裾引くトレーン―19世紀後半のドレス」展/A Selection from KCI’s collection, No. 37: The train flowing from the waist - late 19th century's dress
2023.09.14 Update
*Followed by English translation.
会期: 2023年9月25日(月)-12月22日(金)
休館日: 土・日・祝日
会場: KCIギャラリー(面積:86㎡)
入場料: 無料
出展作品:トレーン付きのドレス 1880年代から1890年代 12点
ウエディング・ドレス 1885年頃
Charles Frederic Worth, Wedding Dress, c. 1885
© Collection of The Kyoto Costume Institute, photo by Takashi Hatakeyama
A Selection from KCI’s collection, No. 37: The train flowing from the waist - late 19th century's dress
Dates: Monday, 25 September -Friday, 22 December, 2023
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays.
Hours: 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (No admission after 4:30 p.m.)
Venue: KCI Gallery
5th Floor, Wacoal Corp. Kyoto Building,
103, Shichi-jo Goshonouchi Minamimachi, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto
Entrance: Free
Number of simultaneous visitors: Maximum 20 people
Exhibits: Late 19th century dresses with train. 12 dresses are exhibited.
* KCI does not own a permanent exhibition gallery.
* The space of the KCI gallery is 86m² (926 ft²).